March 26, 2009

Improv Thunderdome Season 4

Sure, it's a little early to be promoting something that starts in July. But, this season, there is a draft, and it happened Tuesday night.

There was free Boulevard Beer as 36 random improvisers were selected to be on 9 teams. The draft night was a huge success and each team is loaded with some of the most talented improvisers in the Midwest.

Be on the look out for team names, coming soon!

March 11, 2009


Item 1:

Improv Thunderdome Season 3 Round 2 can now be seen on Time Warner Cable On Demand. Channel 113 "KC On Demand" Category: Community Sub-category: Comedy

Round 3 will also be taped live and then broadcast soon after, stay tuned for updates.

Item 2:

The talented and beautiful Jim Sturgill is blogging.

That is all

Thank you

March 4, 2009


Full Frontal Comedy will be on Kansas City After Hours March 7th at 12:30am.

All good things must come to an end

It's official...and sad.

Hype 7 is performing their "final" show as a group at the Roving Imp.

Saturday March 14th 9pm

Be there as one of the oldest improv groups in Kansas City bids adieu!